Knitting Workshop

 The group meets in the afternoon of the third Friday of each month - Convener: Lynda KIng

 This friendly group meets together with their knitting to share skills, ideas, patterns etc and, most importantly, to enjoy one another’s company. We like to share ideas, learn and produce a huge variety of items demonstrating this once popular craft. Knitting has regained some of its popularity in the last few years and with the wonderful selection of yarns now available we face new challenges and projects.

Beginners are particularly welcome.

Whether we are working on our own items or a group project there is always help and encouragement there, when needed. So any new members are welcomed and if you haven’t knitted since school or at all, don’t worry, all you need is enthusiasm!!

 Convener - Barbara Hunt at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.