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How to Join

If you would like to join the U3A - or just find out more come to one of the monthly meeting on the first Thursday of every month at Kings Hill Community Centre and find out what it offers. Non members are invited to come along to any of our monthly meetings as a guest.

Meet the members and join in the friendly atmosphere before deciding to take out membership. You can attend up to three meetings as a guest before joining.

There is a charge of £3 for guests attending monthly meetings.

Benefits of membership

Members may attend the monthly meetings, seminars and social events, and may join any number of activity groups
Members will receive a regular Newsletter about Kings Hill & District U3A, giving details of all activities and various events organised by the U3A, as well as a copy of the quarterly magazine U3A News from the National Third Age Trust.

How to join

You can pick up an application form for membership at any meeting

You can download a membership form from the link on the right of this page.

Please contact the membership secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information about joining the U3A

If you pay income tax you may wish to complete the gift aid section of the form. You will need to return the form to the membership secretary alternatively you could send the completed form to the address on the form.
Members also have access to a free 24-hour legal advice service

Membership is on a rolling 12 months basis meaning that new members will get a full 12 months membership irrespective of their date of joining. Renewal will be due on the anniversary of the joining date.

The membership subscription is £15.00

In order to comply with the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998, members are reminded that membership data will be kept on a computerised database and/or in a file and used solely for U3A business and communication.


Paying your subscription

We can now offer payment by Direct Debit. Paying this way is not only more convenient for the member but saves a lot of time and effort for the Committee. Please follow the link below for more information about this method of payment.